Refer to the table below and consider your situation. The article by Buddle Findlay employment lawyer Sherridan Cook is worthy of a read. The Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 requires businesses to mitigate health and safety risks and protect their workers from them, as far as is reasonably practicable. The Employment contract is also critical. […]
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What are the legislation changes? The ACC Earner Levy Income thresholdThe ACC Earner Levy Income threshold has increased from $128,470 to $130,911 making the maximum ACC Earner Levy $1,819.66. The ACC Earner Levy rate stays at $1.39 per $100 of earnings. The Student Loan Threshold is increasing from the first pay with a period ending date […]
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The decision generally comes down to the business owner and their previous experience. Those who have had a computerised accounting system in the past can see the benefits. They wouldn’t contemplate the idea of a manual system and realise they need an efficient accounting system to be serious in business and to get a financial ‘reading’. New […]
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Many men and women offer bookkeeping services to businesses. They’re self-employed, running their own bookkeeping business and work from business to business using MYOB & other software. The work offers huge variety, lots of learning and with it, a high degree of personal satisfaction. For many it is the perfect job with plenty of flexibility. (If […]
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Point-of-sale (POS) software is more than a cash register. The software takes care of sales, stock, inventory, customer and supplier information and many of the other key issues you – as a retailer – have to deal with. As an integral part of your retail business, it’s imperative to ensure you choose the right point-of-sale software; […]
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Written & Published by MYOB NZ Ltd Auckland-based business consultant Lynley Averis of AccountAgility has been named the 2013 MYOB Partner of the Year. She’s the first Approved Partner in New Zealand and Australia to win the award twice. Lynley, who was Partner of the Year in 2010, was surprised, saying, “I was really delighted, as I wasn’t expecting […]
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A common question we’re regularly asked is “Which is better – MYOB or Xero?” The answer is it depends. We discuss their pros and cons…
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There are differences between bookkeepers and accountants and you could save money by knowing what those differences are. Apart from the obvious cost difference of each role, there are functions a bookkeeper generally does not perform. On the other hand there are jobs that an accountant will do but charge a lot more for – […]
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Question: The balance of my inventory account happens to be negative. Can you tell me why? Have I done anything wrong? I did error checking every time before closing the MYOB data file. Answer: Unfortunately, yes you have done something wrong or inherited a problem. The general ledger balance of the inventory account (s) can […]
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Electronic Payments to suppliers can be easily made from MYOB AccountRight. It results in just one entry showing on your bank reconciliation window, representing the direct debit from your bank account to your multiple suppliers and saves lots of work paying your creditors and suppliers. This feature also creates the file that your banking software […]
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