Pending the onslaught of Omicron and a higher number of sick leave days, this is a reminder to NZ employers of what to do -Check sick leave balances for all your employees remembering that 10 days will roll in for every permanent full-time & part-time employee at the employee’s anniversary date AFTER 23rd July 2021. […]
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Refer to the table below and consider your situation. Below is a summary of the Wage subsidy available to support employers affected by COVID-19. For full details see this page on the Work & Income website. Note: the leave subsidy has been folded into the wage subsidy scheme to prevent employers double-dipping. Government are working on arrangements […]
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Re MYOB, ACE, IMS, EXO, EssentialsYou may have received an email from MYOB around their payrolls in relation to the Holiday Act 2003., Our holiday legislation is complex and tricky (unlike Australia). The biggest difficulty is with employees who work variable hours. People on set hours or casuals are easy to administer.We’re looking forward to […]
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Are you dreading Friday December 20th and the dreaded holiday pay calculation? Here are some tips to help. Holiday Pay can cause a lot of stress and so learning some simple rules can help smooth the way to better employee relations. For example; Annual leave is treated differently from BAPS Leave (Bereavement, Alternative, Public Holiday & […]
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Since the amendments to the Holiday Act 2003, the introduction of the KiwiSaver Act 2006, and the need to Pay Day File (2019), more businesses have converted from manual to computerised payroll. They have done so to simplify and speed up the processing of pays which would otherwise require lots of manual work and detailed […]
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Payroll software offers lots of different advantages – for the user, the employees and the organisation. This article gives you 9 powerful reasons why you should use payroll software even if you have just one or two employees. 1 Cost Effective & Saves TimeThere is great potential to save money… especially once you can use the […]
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MYOB offers a range of different payroll packages suitable for different types and sizes of businesses. Understanding which package is most appropriate for your business can be confusing. To help you we’ve created the following comparison table which compares the 4 different payroll packages for small/medium businesses. Please note MYOB have other payroll packages (EXO & PayGlobal) […]
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How do I pay staff a bonus and deal with the tax? Bonuses are commonly used as staff incentives; however there is often confusion about the tax on bonuses paid. There are two types of bonuses: Regular bonuses Gratuitous or “one-off” bonuses Regular bonuses Ones that are paid periodically and should be included in the employee’s gross earnings. […]
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Xmas is coming yet again. But before we can swap the keyboard with a glass of wine many of us need to prepare holiday pays for the shut-down. Yes, it’s a headache but one which can be mitigated if you take the time now to plan it. Whether you use MYOB Payroll, ACE Payroll, IMS Payroll, […]
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When employees take Annual Leave you should always pay it out using the Annual Holiday (ANHL) pay code. This should be done even if an employee has not become entitled to Annual Leave as yet. The payroll will record the Annual Leave taken as Annual Leave taken in advance. Note: Any ‘Annual Leave taken in advance’ […]
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