How to get accounts staff that will help, not hinder, your business

Recruitment bookkeepers accountants pay clerks

Everyone wants the perfect person in the office. One that comes with a high level of understanding and experience in both accounting and payroll. One that has knowledge of the software you use PLUS competencies using a computer AND a working knowledge of Microsoft Office. As well as that you want them to fit in with the dynamics of your office and get on with other staff, customers and suppliers. It's a big ask.

Appoint the wrong person and it can cost your business dearly. If you take on someone with minimal knowledge of accounting & payroll and leave them to their own devices then it is likely the following may occur:

  • Entries will be missed meaning customers may be incorrectly invoiced or just not invoiced
  • Creditors may be paid twice or not paid at all jeapordising your supplier relationship
  • Bank/credit card accounts may not be reconciled correctly meaning reports are wrong
  • Stock and job costing entries may not be posted resulting in errors in stock and job reports
  • GST may be incorrectly calculated which puts your business at risk if audited by the IRD
  • Management reports such as Profit & Loss and Balance Sheet will have errors
  • Payroll processing may mean employees are paid more or less than they are owed
  • Holiday pay or termination payments may be incorrect due to a lack of understanding

Any of the situations above will cost your business. We regularly see unqualified and/or inexperienced people taken on to do accounts. As there is no formal qualification for a bookkeeper, people profess to know when they don't. Applicants will say anything to land the job. We have been asked by new recruits to have training the day before they start the job. This is scary stuff.

To avoid this problem and mitigate the likelihood of having a tidy MYOB file destroyed by an incompetent bookkeeper we recommend you use a recruiter to short list and help appoint your accounts staff.

We like recruiters who work with MYOB software and understand both accounting and payroll. Recruiters who can quickly source and select candidates to fit the required roles. Recruiters who have skin in the game and work with you and the candidate to ensure there is a good fit.  We also strongly believe that candidates should be assessed to test their capabilities. A good recruiter will do that.

What roles should you use recruiters for?

Pay clerks - for IMS, ACE, MYOB Payroll or EXO Employer Services Payroll. Good experience with one payroll certainly helps learning another payroll. Understanding NZ legislation is a must.

Bookkeepers/Accounts people - part or full time bookkeepers to process accounts receivable and payables, complete and reconcile cash books, maintain inventory and job costing where required. These positions may be sole charge and include payroll and other responsibilities.

Accountants - fully or semi-qualified part and full time accountants to process and complete end of month reconciliations for management reports, prepare and file both GST and PAYE summaries.

If you are looking for new staff and want advise on where to go then please call us. We can direct you to a recruiter who can help.

Lynley Averis

Lynley is an MYOB Certified Consultant & has been involved in training in New Zealand since 1985. She's written various accounting & MYOB workbooks including co-authoring “Bookkeeping for Dummies”. She has consulted on all versions of MYOB Accounting, Retail and Payroll over the past 18 years and has previously worked for MYOB. She currently consults to NZ businesses on all aspects of business systems - her mission for clients is for them to spend as little time as possible doing accounting!