Monthly Ageing on Customer Statements & Debtors Lists
Many of you call querying the ageing on your customer statements. In the situation here, we are dealing with ‘normal’ monthly ageing. If you have 7 day ageing or a combination of 7 day and 20th of the month following, we can also sort that to give correct reports/statements.
To correct your monthly ageing follow these steps below.
Check you have your terms of trade on the customer cards.
From the main menu choose Setup, Preferences then Reports & Forms.
Change to Daily Ageing and set the Periods according to the number of days per month as per the example.
Important note: Each month, before you run your statements you need to come to the screen above and alter the days according to the previous months.
Choose OK then run your statements – the ageing should be 100% correct for each customer statement but always print a couple and check.
Sample of Invoice Statement with Ageing along the bottom.
To correct ageing in the Receivables Reconciliation Report, choose the settings as pictured below
Ageing on this report will be as follows and should be 100% correct.