Choosing The Right MYOB Payroll Software For Your Business
MYOB Payroll Software
MYOB offers a range of payroll packages which cater to the varying needs of different businesses. Some are designed specifically for small businesses, whilst others are designed to meet the more demanding requirements of larger organisations.
Below we give a brief overview of different MYOB packages so you can identify which is most appropriate for your needs. Whilst there's a range of packages available, there are two we usually recommend. These as MYOB Essentials Payroll for small businesses with simple payroll requirements, and IMS Payroll for businesses of any size with more complex payroll requirements.
MYOB Essentials – Payroll
Essentials Payroll is designed for small organisations with simple payroll needs. It does a nice job of paying people with a simple 3 step process.
Essentials Payroll is recommended for employers with less than 10 employees. It suits those with simple payroll requirements. It’s not suited for those needing department or cost centre reporting.
MYOB ACE Payroll
ACE Payroll has been used by thousands of small NZ businesses for many years. It’s recommended for small employers. ACE Payroll is 100% owned by MYOB. You pay an initial software fee and then an optional annual subscription.
ACE Payroll is designed for small businesses, however it's not ideal for businesses with staff working flexible hours. If that's your business, then we suggest you consider MYOB Essentials Payroll or IMS instead.
MYOB Payroll
MYOB Payroll has been used successfully by thousands of small and medium NZ businesses for 20 years. It is recommended for employers with less than 20 employees.
MYOB Payroll has worked reliably for many businesses for 20 years. It has most features and reports an organisation would need. Its suited for those needing department or cost centre reporting. However, due to the age of the database used we no longer recommend purchasing this payroll.
MYOB IMS Payroll
IMS Payroll has been relied on by thousands of NZ businesses over many years. It's suitable for employers of any size - especially those with more complex requirements. It is 100% owned by MYOB and support comes from the Hasting support centre. IMS Payroll can be purchased with useful add-ons; IMS Express (leave portal) and IMS Max (leave and timesheet portal). IMS can be hosted in the cloud or on the Desktop.
IMS Payroll is one of our favourites and one we regularly implement for clients. It’s bullet proof software & once users are familiar, they like it. Feature rich and very well supported.
MYOB EXO Payroll
EXO Payroll has been used successfully by thousands of NZ businesses for many years. It is recommended for both large and medium employers. Support comes from the MYOB directly or from an Enterprise partner. EXO Payroll can be purchased with a multitude of add-ons: MyStaff Info; Time & Attendance (to poll time clocks); Health & Safety to name a few.
EXO Payroll is highly recommended for medium and large sized businesses. It’s bullet proof software & once users are familiar, they like it. It’s feature rich and comes with a good suite of reports.
Need Help?
Still not sure which of the above payroll software packages is best for you? Contact us and we'll make choosing the right software easy. We have over 20 years hands-on experience with payroll software and our consultants are experts with all the MYOB packages.
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